How I stay motivated

It is difficult sometimes to do the basic things everyday. I have to admit it got easier for me as I got older and learned what is truly important to me in life. I’ve listed 7 processes that I use to stay motivated.

  1. Find my happiness. Whatever that may be. Happiness in my opinion is simply accepting yourself just as you are and embracing all your so called flaws. These “flaws” of course are what make you unique. It is important to find happiness because once you can find it you will be able to get yourself back to this feeling. There are two parts to this: happiness and anger. Anger is not a healthy emotion to motivate you but sometimes it helps although it won’t keep you motivated for long because you can easily become burnt out. This has happened to me before.

  2. Understand what I want out of life. The sooner you know what you want out of life the better. The sooner you can answer that question the easier life will get for you. No one can answer this question for you. It is different for everyone. This answer can also change as you get older or as you experience more in your life. This is a great motivator because it will help keep your actions geared towards your goals.

  3. Picture my life exactly how I want it. This has helped me 100%. Seeing is believing. So many things that I have achieved in my life is a direct product of manifestation. I literally saw my life appear the way I pictured it.

  4. Keep things to myself. I have always been a private person. I do not believe in sharing important plans or achievements with just any and everyone. There are some people in my life who will never know everything about me and that is fine. I always wait until my plans are either complete or near completion before sharing them with others. That goes for ideas as well. There is no need to share everything with everyone. Hold on to your thoughts, plans, dreams, achievements. You just do not need the negative energy, or doubts. If you need advice that is one thing but do not share for the sake of “showing off” it just is not worth it. There are too many doubters in the world who are waiting for an opportunity to shoot down your ideas.

  5. Failure is not an option. I repeat this to myself anytime I feel discouraged. Any thing I have ever accomplished in my life has not been easy. There has never been an easy road for me, I am not sure why but it is totally fine. It might get easier later but if not it does not matter much to me because failure has never been an option. I have no other option but to succeed. I have no one else to count on but myself. I hold myself accountable for all my decisions and so it helps prevent me from giving up. I absolutely refuse to give up unless I find a better option, and in that case it is not really giving up now is it?

  6. Celebrate all my achievements. This is super important. Every milestone should be acknowledged. This is so you won’t forget all the steps it took for you to get where you are today. If you don’t celebrate the little wins you will get discouraged.

  7. Give thanks everyday. Every single day give thanks for what you have. I give thanks all the time, when I wake up, when I shower, when I reach my destination, etc. I reminisce about all the struggles and give thanks for them and for the strength that I had to overcome them.

Consistency is another factor that goes hand in hand with motivation. It is just as important. I can honestly say I struggle with this till this day. When I can maintain consistency I will write on it.